BLP? What's That?

This group was originally started by, and exclusive to, members of the Blue Lake Ward of the LDS Church. Due to struggling membership levels and activity, it has been opened up to anyone in the area, provided they know a member of the group personally, and are invited to join by the group. The group now includes friends and family of the original members and, as a result, quite a few non-LDS members. We don't talk about the LDS church much, nor do we intentionally use the group as a vehicle to expose others to the church. It's really all about the board games and getting to gether to have good, clean fun.

We try get together on a regular basis (weekly) for game nights, and also band together on MaBi Web, Spiel by Web and BrettSpielWelt to play their online offerings.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Friday, September 16, 2011

BrettSpielWelt Snobbery

Has anyone noticed an increase of snobbery on BSW? I understand the grandfathers of the group have hundreds if not thousands of plays (Dave). But lately it seems as though whatever game I initiate or ask to join is met with the question as to whether I am a "noob" or not. At this point I'm just going to randomly contact everyone to get games going instead of dealing with the ignorant masses. Also, lets coordinate our next game night. We have new blood that we can put through paces, Brant Stock.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

FYI - Gamestorm

Today is the last day to register for $25.  It goes up to $30 tomorrow.  Just sayin'

Also, dates for Gamestorm 14 are March 22nd - 25th.  THIS IS THE WEEK BEFORE SPRING BREAK!!! 

Looks like I'll be taking some time off....

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's You're Turn. Don't Mess This Up! (and what ever you do, don't take advice from Eric)

Hey! What do you say we get a few games going on the old play by web websites?  For those of you who haven't played a game this way before, let me explain how it works.  Once you've joined a game you'll get emails when it's your turn.  Just log in to the site, take your turn and you're done.  Games can last anywhere from a few days to a month.  Registration is free, btw.

To get us started I've created the following games:

On MabiWeb:

On SpielByWeb:
I've linked the rules page for each game so you can refresh your memories but don't worry, we'll go slow if you haven't played before.  Each game name will have the format:

Blue Lake Playahs - [game initials][date created].  

All games will require a password to join.  We'll go with the old standard password.  If you don't know what that is, text or email me and I'll give it to you.

So, if you want to play great!  If not, catch ya next time.  I would like to start the games no later than tomorrow evening (9/15).

One thing you should know before you play: I will lose every game... ;-)

You Won a Beauty Contest. Collect $50.

My work has graciously given me a token of their appreciation for working hard on a recent issue that we had. I of course have no choice but to spend it on boardgames immediately. It's to They have pretty much everything and I can probably get free shipping. I'm now taking suggestions as to what I should get.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Losing a Life Point to Take Another Action...

So, I've decided to try and get this thing up and running again.  I think it will be a great place to post comments and reviews and to have a central place to see upcoming gaming opportunities in the area.  BGG guilds already does this - sort of - but this place is ours and we can pimp it to our hearts desire. 

I've already updated the layout - added/deleted some things.  The Calendar is new and is linked to the guilds calendar.  It will fill up eventually.  Keep checking back...

I'm hoping that this will be a collaborative effort and will be fun for us a well.

So, in the spirit of Camelot I say:

What say ye, good sirs?  Will you join me in this, our quest, to permeate the air with board game goodness? 

What say ye?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Sorry I've had things come up guys!

Very glad to see you had another BigD step up to take my place!

I'll be there with bells on next week!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Thanks for the good times the other night at game night. I will have to see if I can make it again. A game that we should put on the schedule is Traders of Genoa. This is a really good negotiation game that I would like to try with three or more individuals. I will post the rules.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Hoity Toity

I just have to tell you guys how much I love Hoity Toity. It's way better in person than on SBW. I'd forgotten how good it really was - especially when you play with people who know what they're doing. I mean, we knocked that sucker out in 30 minutes!!

Formula Dé Circuits 3 & 4 - Zandvoort 2 & SPA-Francorchamps

This map looks like it's slightly more highly rated than the others on BGG. I'd like to try a different map and do multiple laps. I think it would make for a more interesting game. These maps look like they would allow you to get up into 5th and 6th gear more than the ones I have, for starters. The one we played had lots of nasty little corners slowing the game down. What do you guys think?